Ultimate Ascent 2013
Ultimate Ascent is a game designed to be played by two alliances of three robots each. On each end of the field there are 4 scoring zones, one on the bottom right, two on the middle top and one on the very top. Robots can score by shooting, tossing, or throwing frisbees into there colored goals. This year there is also a fifth goal, at the top of each pyramid located near each alliance wall. These goals only accept there respectively colored frisbees for the points to be counted. During the first 15 seconds of the match is the autonomous period, where teams program their robots to score points on their own. During the driver-operated period, human players take control of their robots to score as many points as possible before the end of the match. For additional points at the end of the match, robots can climb up onto the pyramids, the higher they go, the more points they receive.